Addiction and Substance Abuse Recovery Support

Do you feel imprisoned by any substance or behavior that you (or your loved one) are unable to stop? I am referring to social media, gambling, sex, smoking, alcohol, a medicine containing addictive substances, etc. You are not alone! Millions are suffering from addiction every day; their lives have been turned upside down. Are you one of them? Dealing with addiction is incredibly challenging but you do not have to deal with it alone.

I can help you get out of that “prison”, take back control of your life. I know how lack of self-control can impede your life- relationships, school, self-esteem, etc.

Would you like to give yourself another chance? We can do this either individually or in a group where you can find more support. 

Contact me and let us figure this out together!

I am currently running both teen and adult addiction groups. Please schedule and free consultation to sign up for either individual or group counseling.

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche

For more information about addiction visit